Hi folks, I am looking for a partner/group to ski mountaineer several volcanos in the PNW this spring/early summer. Dunno how much longer I am going to be in PNW, so really trying to crush em (Baker, Shuksan, Hood, St Helens, Glacier, Olympus) this year.


  • 20+ ski tours around PNW, CO, UT, WY
  • Summited Rainier unguided in '22
    • Toured up to Muir, slept, left skis, booted our way up to the summit and to Muir, then skied down from Muir.

  • Attempted Hood in '23
    • Toured up beyond Palmer to the fumaroles, when transitioning to crampons my buddy was experiencing serious altitude sickness and we had to turn around

  • Appalachian Trail in '16
  • Advanced skier - 30+ ski days on-resort for the last 4 years
  • Avie 1 course complete in '22
  • Intro To Mountaineering course completed on Mt Hood in '22
  • 31 yo, 200lbs, reasonably fit. Been doing more weight training than endurance as of late.

I am keen on doing something multi-day over memorial day weekend. Ideally Baker or Shuksan, if I can find any willing victims or join a group.